A message from Dan and Chris Bowden

27 March 2020  Dan Bowden  

G’day fellow car fanatics,

Well, for all the wrong reasons, it seems that 2020 is going to be a year we all look back on in wonder. But, just like September 11th 2001, 2008’s GFC, or 2020’s bushfire season from hell, we will also get through this and our beautiful nation will be stronger for it. As a family business, we feel on a deep level, the uncertainty everyone has as the evolving situation from the Coronavirus plays out in front of us all. We hope all of you, in our extended Bowden Family, stay strong, calm and informed. We are constantly monitoring, assessing and doing our best to respond to this unprecedented situation and via our many social channels on Facebook, Instagram, and our website, as we strive to keep you up to date with all the good and (hopefully) some fun stuff, we can achieve in this dark time. 

This was written just to give you a quick update on our team’s commitment to keep providing products, services and information to our extended family during this time. Plus, in this age of ‘social distancing’, we want to explain the steps we’ve taken to ensure the safety and health of our beloved Bowden’s Own team & YOU, our customers.

A slight change, for 2020’s sake!

We are getting into personal goods…

It’s been a bit full on here in our sheds this last week - if you’re into clean hands and a germ-free lifestyle, then you are going to love us; our brilliant chemists have converted a small amount of our manufacturing shed to making a specific range of COVID 19 battling sanitizers. These are different surface disinfectants, for use in healthcare, hospitality, etc, formulated to kill a broad spectrum of bacteria, germs and viruses. We have already tested them with great success on ourselves and in our cars and are hoping to have them released in the coming weeks.

If you follow our Instagram stories, you’ll have seen the 5 litres of hand sanitiser we made and gifted our local Endeavour Workshops, as they had all run out. As we work towards getting a stable source of ingredients, we plan to do more of this for other local groups who need it in the future. 

Our Team

We stick by our crew and everyone who is a part of our team knows they have a job and we have their back. However, if they have a sniffle, a mild cough, or have been eating Wu Han Bats, then they are banished home. In wanting to keep our crew safe and healthy, our chemists have created the range of sanitizing products mentioned above. We are using them daily on our warehouse, people and hopefully soon… You! 

All of the team who are able to work from home, have, along with the bat eaters, been asked to do so and we are happy to report, so far, so good. Like everyone, we are taking “social distancing” very serious in the workplace and we have had to halt all travel and our events, for a good few months at least.  

Our Customers

You guys are awesome! As I mentioned earlier, please keep strong and calm. We have always considered detailing to be very therapeutic, so in these troubling times, please take the time to do what you are good at and enjoy. We hope the Bowden’s Own range can offer you that respite in these crazy times and please remember to connect with us, letting us know how you’re getting on and how good your beloved car is looking!

Currently and in the foreseeable future, our whole back of house and customer service teams are fully operational. Like everyone, they know things are a bit sketchy at the moment and they are there for you, keen to help as always. So, please reach out, even if you just want to have a chat, or our fav’, talk cars, we have got your back too and would love it. Contact us via Facebook, Instagram, our new Live Chat on the website, or pour yourself a nice long drink, get a comfy seat to call 1800 351 308 and “ask for Pedro”.

Our Retailers

These guys support us like no others and we will always support them. No microbial virus from Wu Han is going to change that. We are very proud of all of our corporate associations, so please get online, or sneak down with great care to any AutObarnSupercheap Auto, REPCO, and many other independent retailers, as well as all local Australian owned businesses’. Some are going to be doing it pretty hard and we will all be the poorer for it, if any can’t recover from this crazy year. 

All the Bowden family and our leadership team is taking this as seriously as we ever get. We are monitoring the situation and being a small Aussie business, we can make changes fast, to suit the need. When all this is over, we see great things ahead for Australia, a nation that bounces back from drought, floods, the odd Cat 5 Cyclone and bog roll shortages like no other. 

Remember, if you are feeling isolated and need to reach out, please contact us. If you have a lot of time, just “Ask for Pedro.” Cheap Pedro jokes aside, we are going to get through this, better and stronger than ever. These tough times don't last, but tough people do.

Please just stay safe between now and then.

Best wishes, 

Dan, Chris and the entire Bowden clan.  

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Comments (4)

Supporting OUR community

By: on 14 November 2020
To say I’m impressed with your products would be the greatest understatement of all time! To develop a world class locally manufactured line of this quality is truly impressive! And to see how you support our local community through locally sourced base materials, AND helping the special needs members of our community through employment is MAGNIFICENT !!! Yes I do use cleaning the cars as my zone-out time, with eight cars in the “family-fleet” and the father of a special needs little man. Bowden’s Own has a customer in me for the rest of my days! Cheers Michael

Thank you Bowden's

By: on 27 March 2020
Wow, awesome work as always team! Look forward to that sanitizer. Can't get any anywhere and we have a son in day 9 of isolation here at home after returning from training in Austria. Stay Well!

Fantastic efforts the bowdens team.

By: on 27 March 2020
This is a brilliant read, also in true Aussie spirit. Keep up the good work and keep up the good work. We as Australians, a team have got got this.


By: on 27 March 2020
You guys are wonderful people. I hope you all stay safe.

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