Nikon SuperGP Australian Legends - Friday 23rd Oct 2009
24 October 2009

We are gearing up here on the Gold Coast for a massive weekend! Our crew were working late into the night again last night after another session on the Surfers Paradise track yesterday.
Unfortunately, James Brock did not make it onto the track with the VL Commodore which has now been retired due to engine issues that could not be resolved over night. We hope to get another car to the SuperGP today for Bob Morris so James will be able to drive his late father’s ’78 A9X and get some time on the track.
I, however, did make it out of the pits yesterday… but not for long. Half way through my first lap of the SuperGP the Super Falcon stalled causing me to roll to the side and watch all my fellow drivers fly straight past me, including my brother, Chris, who had an absolutely amazing run in the Moffstang. After 2 days of not being able to go for a proper run around the track, I think I will be asking for a swap with Chris today. However, the Super Falcon has been sorted over night – it appears the oil foam blocked up the filters.
The only other issues of the day was Colin Bond in the Beechey Monaro with a blown gear box and Bob Morris in Brock’s ’78 A9X which still had some water in the Webber carbies. Dick Johnson in Greens Tuf, John French in Moffat’s GTHO Phase 3, Jim Richards in his old ’86 JPS 635 BMW and Kevin Bartlett in his old Channel 9 Camaro all had exceptional runs. We were a bit worried about the Camaro though. When I saw KB after the run, I asked him how the Camaro was running. “Do you have a note pad and pen?” was his reply. I tried to compose myself as panic was setting in until he said “Well don’t write anything down because it ran like a dream.”
We had the pleasure of a visit from Anna Bligh who is committed to ensuring this magnificent QLD motor racing event continues into the future, and for the Australian Legends category being a regular item on the schedule.
We will be back on the track at 10:10am today, so if you can make it down we would love to see you. The pit walk for the Australian Legends is free, so come down and see the cars. We also have a merchandise tent behind the V8 pits for all your memorabilia and car care.
We hope to see you there!
Love Your Car
Dan Bowden