Engine bay detailing
It's always a good idea to quickly give the engine bay a wipe down to remove any water that's managed to get itself under there, and it's a good chance to clean up any areas before they become an issue!
A really quick and easy way to do this, is with our Clean Detail spray. Clean Detail is great for fast and effective cleaning wihout the need for water. Use it on any painted areas, like under the bonnet, firewall, or any non shiny surfaces like the orginal satin black inside the engine bay of our Sandman here.
Spray 6-8 sprays of Clean Detail into a clean and folded Dirty Deeds cloth, then gently wipe over any dirt, light grease or grime, flipping the cloth and adding more Clean Detail as needed. No need to use any water to clean up after this, as long as the cloth you are using is clean it will flash off to leave a perfect, clean finish.
For dirtier engine bays
If your engine has not seen much love and has a heavier build up of grime, then we need to wash with water. You would do this job first, before you wash the car. Unlike modern cars, the engine bay electricals are not well sealed so you cannot simply get the pressure washer and snow foam away. Cover the distributer and alternator with plastic bags, as well as other electricals you cannot keep the water away from. Also cover the air cleaner and air intakes.
Get the hose and rinse down the first section you wish to clean, then spray it with the Orange Agent all purpose cleaner and agitiate all over the area with the suitable brush from our foursome set of round detialing brushes. The Pouncer brush for the more intricate areas and larger Big Boy Brett for the larger open areas. Then, rinse the area down with the hose, making sure the Orange Agent never dries, especially on rubber hoses - where the technique is to spray on, quickly agitiate and then rinse off right after, one hose at a time.
Once all done, get a small air blower and use it with a few dry microfibre cloths (again we use the Dirty Deeds cloths) to wipe down and remove the water, especially if it's sitting in engine crevices like around the manifold.
Once you've done all of this, it's time to prepare the paint for some protection. There are a few steps here for the best possible finish, so if you need to decontaminate and protect the paint, the next steps are for you.